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작성일2016-12-10 02:30 조회5,060회


ASCII 특수문자 전체 보기

Standard Character Set

CodeSymbolHtml CodeHtml NameCSSHexDescription
32   \00200x20Space
33!! \00210x21Exclamation mark
34"""\00220x22Double quote
35## \00230x23Pound (hash) symbol
36$$ \00240x24Dollar
37%% \00250x25Percent
39'' \00270x27Single quote
40(( \00280x28Opening parenthesis
41)) \00290x29Closing parenthesis
42** \002a0x2aAsterisk
43++ \002b0x2bPlus sign
44,, \002c0x2cComma
45-- \002d0x2dMinus sign - Hyphen
46.. \002e0x2ePeriod
47// \002f0x2fForward slash
4800 \00300x30 
4911 \00310x31 
5022 \00320x32 
5133 \00330x33 
5244 \00340x34 
5355 \00350x35 
5466 \00360x36 
5577 \00370x37 
5688 \00380x38 
5799 \00390x39 
58:: \003a0x3aColon
59;&#59; \003b0x3bSemicolon
60<&#60; \003c0x3cLess than sign
61=&#61; \003d0x3dEqual sign
62>&#62; \003e0x3eGreater than sign
63?&#63; \003f0x3fQuestion mark
64@&#64; \00400x40At symbol
65A&#65; \00410x41 
66B&#66; \00420x42 
67C&#67; \00430x43 
68D&#68; \00440x44 
69E&#69; \00450x45 
70F&#70; \00460x46 
71G&#71; \00470x47 
72H&#72; \00480x48 
73I&#73; \00490x49 
74J&#74; \004a0x4a 
75K&#75; \004b0x4b 
76L&#76; \004c0x4c 
77M&#77; \004d0x4d 
78N&#78; \004e0x4e 
79O&#79; \004f0x4f 
80P&#80; \00500x50 
81Q&#81; \00510x51 
82R&#82; \00520x52 
83S&#83; \00530x53 
84T&#84; \00540x54 
85U&#85; \00550x55 
86V&#86; \00560x56 
87W&#87; \00570x57 
88X&#88; \00580x58 
89Y&#89; \00590x59 
90Z&#90; \005a0x5a 
91[&#91; \005b0x5bOpening bracket
92\&#92; \005c0x5cBackslash
93]&#93; \005d0x5dClosing bracket
94^&#94; \005e0x5eCaret - circumflex
95_&#95; \005f0x5fUnderscore
96`&#96; \00600x60Grave accent
97a&#97; \00610x61 
98b&#98; \00620x62 
99c&#99; \00630x63 
100d&#100; \00640x64 
101e&#101; \00650x65 
102f&#102; \00660x66 
103g&#103; \00670x67 
104h&#104; \00680x68 
105i&#105; \00690x69 
106j&#106; \006a0x6a 
107k&#107; \006b0x6b 
108l&#108; \006c0x6c 
109m&#109; \006d0x6d 
110n&#110; \006e0x6e 
111o&#111; \006f0x6f 
112p&#112; \00700x70 
113q&#113; \00710x71 
114r&#114; \00720x72 
115s&#115; \00730x73 
116t&#116; \00740x74 
117u&#117; \00750x75 
118v&#118; \00760x76 
119w&#119; \00770x77 
120x&#120; \00780x78 
121y&#121; \00790x79 
122z&#122; \007a0x7a 
123{&#123; \007b0x7bOpening brace
124|&#124; \007c0x7cVertical bar
125}&#125; \007d0x7dClosing brace
126~&#126; \007e0x7eEquivalency sign - tilde

Extended Character Set

CodeSymbolHtml CodeHtml NameCSSHexDescription
160 &#160; \00a00xa0Non-breaking space
161¡&#161; \00a10xa1Inverted exclamation mark
162¢&#162; \00a20xa2Cent sign
163£&#163; \00a30xa3Pound sign
164¤&#164; \00a40xa4Currency sign
165¥&#165; \00a50xa5Yen sign
166¦&#166; \00a60xa6Broken vertical bar
167§&#167; \00a70xa7Section sign
168¨&#168; \00a80xa8Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169©&#169; \00a90xa9Copyright sign
170ª&#170; \00aa0xaaFeminine ordinal indicator
171«&#171; \00ab0xabLeft double angle quotes
172¬&#172; \00ac0xacNot sign
173­&#173; \00ad0xadSoft hyphen
174®&#174; \00ae0xaeRegistered trade mark sign
175¯&#175; \00af0xafSpacing macron - overline
176°&#176; \00b00xb0Degree sign
177±&#177; \00b10xb1Plus-or-minus sign
178²&#178; \00b20xb2Superscript two - squared
179³&#179; \00b30xb3Superscript three - cubed
180´&#180; \00b40xb4Acute accent - spacing acute
181µ&#181; \00b50xb5Micro sign
182&#182; \00b60xb6Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183·&#183; \00b70xb7Middle dot - Georgian comma
184¸&#184; \00b80xb8Spacing cedilla
185¹&#185; \00b90xb9Superscript one
186º&#186; \00ba0xbaMasculine ordinal indicator
187»&#187; \00bb0xbbRight double angle quotes
191¿&#191; \00bf0xbfInverted question mark
215×&#215; \00d70xd7Multiplication sign
247÷&#247; \00f70xf7Division sign

Latin Character Set

CodeSymbolHtml CodeHtml NameCSSHexDescription
192À&#192; \00c00xc0Latin capital letter A with grave
193Á&#193; \00c10xc1Latin capital letter A with acute
194Â&#194; \00c20xc2Latin capital letter A with circumflex
195Ã&#195; \00c30xc3Latin capital letter A with tilde
196Ä&#196; \00c40xc4Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
197Å&#197; \00c50xc5Latin capital letter A with ring above
198Æ&#198; \00c60xc6Latin capital letter AE
199Ç&#199; \00c70xc7Latin capital letter C with cedilla
200È&#200; \00c80xc8Latin capital letter E with grave
201É&#201; \00c90xc9Latin capital letter E with acute
202Ê&#202; \00ca0xcaLatin capital letter E with circumflex
203Ë&#203; \00cb0xcbLatin capital letter E with diaeresis
204Ì&#204; \00cc0xccLatin capital letter I with grave
205Í&#205; \00cd0xcdLatin capital letter I with acute
206Î&#206; \00ce0xceLatin capital letter I with circumflex
207Ï&#207; \00cf0xcfLatin capital letter I with diaeresis
208Ð&#208; \00d00xd0Latin capital letter ETH
209Ñ&#209; \00d10xd1Latin capital letter N with tilde
210Ò&#210; \00d20xd2Latin capital letter O with grave
211Ó&#211; \00d30xd3Latin capital letter O with acute
212Ô&#212; \00d40xd4Latin capital letter O with circumflex
213Õ&#213; \00d50xd5Latin capital letter O with tilde
214Ö&#214; \00d60xd6Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
216Ø&#216; \00d80xd8Latin capital letter O with slash
217Ù&#217; \00d90xd9Latin capital letter U with grave
218Ú&#218; \00da0xdaLatin capital letter U with acute
219Û&#219; \00db0xdbLatin capital letter U with circumflex
220Ü&#220; \00dc0xdcLatin capital letter U with diaeresis
221Ý&#221; \00dd0xddLatin capital letter Y with acute
222Þ&#222; \00de0xdeLatin capital letter THORN
223ß&#223; \00df0xdfLatin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224à&#224; \00e00xe0Latin small letter a with grave
225á&#225; \00e10xe1Latin small letter a with acute
226â&#226; \00e20xe2Latin small letter a with circumflex
227ã&#227; \00e30xe3Latin small letter a with tilde
228ä&#228; \00e40xe4Latin small letter a with diaeresis
229å&#229; \00e50xe5Latin small letter a with ring above
230æ&#230; \00e60xe6Latin small letter ae
231ç&#231; \00e70xe7Latin small letter c with cedilla
232è&#232; \00e80xe8Latin small letter e with grave
233é&#233; \00e90xe9Latin small letter e with acute
234ê&#234; \00ea0xeaLatin small letter e with circumflex
235ë&#235; \00eb0xebLatin small letter e with diaeresis
236ì&#236; \00ec0xecLatin small letter i with grave
237í&#237; \00ed0xedLatin small letter i with acute
238î&#238; \00ee0xeeLatin small letter i with circumflex
239ï&#239; \00ef0xefLatin small letter i with diaeresis
240ð&#240; \00f00xf0Latin small letter eth
241ñ&#241; \00f10xf1Latin small letter n with tilde
242ò&#242; \00f20xf2Latin small letter o with grave
243ó&#243; \00f30xf3Latin small letter o with acute
244ô&#244; \00f40xf4Latin small letter o with circumflex
245õ&#245; \00f50xf5Latin small letter o with tilde
246ö&#246; \00f60xf6Latin small letter o with diaeresis
248ø&#248; \00f80xf8Latin small letter o with slash
249ù&#249; \00f90xf9Latin small letter u with grave
250ú&#250; \00fa0xfaLatin small letter u with acute
251û&#251; \00fb0xfbLatin small letter u with circumflex
252ü&#252; \00fc0xfcLatin small letter u with diaeresis
253ý&#253; \00fd0xfdLatin small letter y with acute
254þ&#254; \00fe0xfeLatin small letter thorn
255ÿ&#255; \00ff0xffLatin small letter y with diaeresis
338Œ&#338;&OElig;\001520x152Latin capital letter OE
339œ&#339;&oelig;\001530x153Latin small letter oe
352Š&#352;&Scaron;\001600x160Latin capital letter S with caron
353š&#353;&scaron;\001610x161Latin small letter s with caron
376Ÿ&#376;&Yuml;\001780x178Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
402ƒ&#402;&fnof;\001920x192Latin small f with hook - function

Greek Set

CodeSymbolHtml CodeHtml NameCSSHexDescription
913Α&#913;&Alpha;\003910x391Greek capital letter alpha
914Β&#914;&Beta;\003920x392Greek capital letter beta
915Γ&#915;&Gamma;\003930x393Greek capital letter gamma
916Δ&#916;&Delta;\003940x394Greek capital letter delta
917Ε&#917;&Epsilon;\003950x395Greek capital letter epsilon
918Ζ&#918;&Zeta;\003960x396Greek capital letter zeta
919Η&#919;&Eta;\003970x397Greek capital letter eta
920Θ&#920;&Theta;\003980x398Greek capital letter theta
921Ι&#921;&Iota;\003990x399Greek capital letter iota
922Κ&#922;&Kappa;\0039a0x39aGreek capital letter kappa
923Λ&#923;&Lambda;\0039b0x39bGreek capital letter lambda
924Μ&#924;&Mu;\0039c0x39cGreek capital letter mu
925Ν&#925;&Nu;\0039d0x39dGreek capital letter nu
926Ξ&#926;&Xi;\0039e0x39eGreek capital letter xi
927Ο&#927;&Omicron;\0039f0x39fGreek capital letter omicron
928Π&#928;&Pi;\003a00x3a0Greek capital letter pi
929Ρ&#929;&Rho;\003a10x3a1Greek capital letter rho
931Σ&#931;&Sigma;\003a30x3a3Greek capital letter sigma
932Τ&#932;&Tau;\003a40x3a4Greek capital letter tau
933Υ&#933;&Upsilon;\003a50x3a5Greek capital letter upsilon
934Φ&#934;&Phi;\003a60x3a6Greek capital letter phi
935Χ&#935;&Chi;\003a70x3a7Greek capital letter sigma
936Ψ&#936;&Psi;\003a80x3a8Greek capital letter psi
937Ω&#937;&Omega;\003a90x3a9Greek capital letter omega
945α&#945;&alpha;\003b10x3b1Greek small letter alpha
946β&#946;&beta;\003b20x3b2Greek small letter beta
947γ&#947;&gamma;\003b30x3b3Greek small letter gamma
948δ&#948;&delta;\003b40x3b4Greek small letter delta
949ε&#949;&epsilon;\003b50x3b5Greek small letter epsilon
950ζ&#950;&zeta;\003b60x3b6Greek small letter zeta
951η&#951;&eta;\003b70x3b7Greek small letter eta
952θ&#952;&theta;\003b80x3b8Greek small letter theta
953ι&#953;&iota;\003b90x3b9Greek small letter iota
954κ&#954;&kappa;\003ba0x3baGreek small letter kappa
955λ&#955;&lambda;\003bb0x3bbGreek small letter lambda
956μ&#956;&mu;\003bc0x3bcGreek small letter mu
957ν&#957;&nu;\003bd0x3bdGreek small letter nu
958ξ&#958;&xi;\003be0x3beGreek small letter xi
959ο&#959;&omicron;\003bf0x3bfGreek small letter omicron
960π&#960;&pi;\003c00x3c0Greek small letter pi
961ρ&#961;&rho;\003c10x3c1Greek small letter rho
962ς&#962;&sigmaf;\003c20x3c2Greek small letter final sigma
963σ&#963;&sigma;\003c30x3c3Greek small letter sigma
964τ&#964;&tau;\003c40x3c4Greek small letter tau
965υ&#965;&upsilon;\003c50x3c5Greek small letter upsilon
966φ&#966;&phi;\003c60x3c6Greek small letter phi
967χ&#967;&chi;\003c70x3c7Greek small letter chi
968ψ&#968;&psi;\003c80x3c8Greek small letter psi
969ω&#969;&omega;\003c90x3c9Greek small letter omega
977ϑ&#977;&thetasym;\003d10x3d1Greek small letter theta symbol
978ϒ&#978;&upsih;\003d20x3d2Greek upsilon with hook symbol
982ϖ&#982;&piv;\003d60x3d6Greek pi symbol


CodeSymbolHtml CodeHtml NameCSSHexDescription
8211&#8211;&ndash;\0020130x2013En dash
8212&#8212;&mdash;\0020140x2014Em dash
8216&#8216;&lsquo;\0020180x2018Left single quotation mark
8217&#8217;&rsquo;\0020190x2019Right single quotation mark
8218&#8218;&sbquo;\00201a0x201aSingle low-9 quotation mark
8220&#8220;&ldquo;\00201c0x201cLeft double quotation mark
8221&#8221;&rdquo;\00201d0x201dRight double quotation mark
8222&#8222;&bdquo;\00201e0x201eDouble low-9 quotation mark
8225&#8225;&Dagger;\0020210x2021Double dagger
8230&#8230;&hellip;\0020260x2026Horizontal ellipsis
8240&#8240;&permil;\0020300x2030Per thousand sign
8241&#8241; \0020310x2031Per thousand sign
8251&#8251; \00203b0x203bKomejirushi
8252&#8252; \00203c0x203cDouble exclamation mark
8253&#8253; \00203d0x203dExclamation question
8254&#8254;&oline;\00203e0x203eOverline, a.k.a. spacing overscore
8257&#8257; \0020410x2041Caret Insertion Point
8258&#8258; \0020420x2042Asterism
8263&#8263; \0020470x2047Double question
8264&#8264; \0020480x2048Question Exclamation
8265&#8265; \0020490x2049Exclamation Question
8273&#8273; \0020510x2051Double asterisk
8364&#8364;&euro;\0020ac0x20acEuro sign
8482&#8482;&trade;\0021220x2122Trade mark sign
8704&#8704;&forall;\0022000x2200For all
10077&#10077; \00275d0x275dHeavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament
10078&#10078; \00275e0x275eHeavy double comma quotation mark ornament


CodeSymbolHtml CodeHtml NameCSSHexDescription
8706&#8706;&part;\0022020x2202Partial differential
8707&#8707;&exist;\0022030x2203There exists
8709&#8709;&empty;\0022050x2205Empty set, null set, diameter
8711&#8711;&nabla;\0022070x2207Nabla, backward difference
8712&#8712;&isin;\0022080x2208Element of
8713&#8713;&notin;\0022090x2209Not an element of
8715&#8715;&ni;\00220b0x220bContains as member
8719&#8719;&prod;\00220f0x220fn-ary product
8721&#8721;&sum;\0022110x2211n-ary sumation
8722&#8722;&minus;\0022120x2212Minus sign
8723&#8723; \0022130x2213Minus-or-plus sign
8724&#8724; \0022140x2214Dot plus
8725&#8725; \0022150x2215Division slash
8726&#8726; \0022160x2216Set minus
8727&#8727;&lowast;\0022170x2217Asterisk operator
8730&#8730;&radic;\00221a0x221aSquare root
8731&#8731; \00221b0x221bCube Root
8732&#8732; \00221c0x221cRoot
8733&#8733;&prop;\00221d0x221dProportional to
8743&#8743;&and;\0022270x2227Logical AND, or wedge
8745&#8745;&cap;\0022290x2229Intersection, or cap
8746&#8746;&cup;\00222a0x222aUnion, or cup
8748&#8748; \00222c0x222cDouble integral
8749&#8749; \00222d0x222dTriple integral
8750&#8750; \00222e0x222eLine integral
8751&#8751; \00222f0x222fDouble line integral
8752&#8752; \0022300x2230Triple line integral
8757&#8757; \0022350x2235Because sign
8758&#8758; \0022360x2236Ratio
8759&#8759; \0022370x2237Proportion
8763&#8763; \00223b0x223bHomothetic preferences
8764&#8764;&sim;\00223c0x223cTilde operator, or varies with
8765&#8765; \00223d0x223dApproximation
8768&#8768; \0022400x2240Wreath product
8773&#8773;&cong;\0022450x2245Approximately equal to
8776&#8776;&asymp;\0022480x2248Almost equal to, asymptotic to
8800&#8800;&ne;\0022600x2260Not equal to
8801&#8801;&equiv;\0022610x2261Identical to
8804&#8804;&le;\0022640x2264Less-than or equal to
8805&#8805;&ge;\0022650x2265Greater-than or equal to
8834&#8834;&sub;\0022820x2282Subset of
8835&#8835;&sup;\0022830x2283Superset of
8836&#8836;&nsub;\0022840x2284Not a subset of
8838&#8838;&sube;\0022860x2286Subset of or equal to
8839&#8839;&supe;\0022870x2287Superset of or equal to
8853&#8853;&oplus;\0022950x2295Circled plus, direct sum
8854&#8854; \0022960x2296Circled minus
8855&#8855;&otimes;\0022970x2297Circled times, vector product
8856&#8856; \0022980x2298Circled divide
8857&#8857; \0022990x2299Circled dot
8858&#8858; \00229a0x229aCircled circle
8859&#8859; \00229b0x229bCircled asterisk
8860&#8860; \00229c0x229cCircled equals
8861&#8861; \00229d0x229dCircled minus
8869&#8869;&perp;\0022a50x22a5Up tack, orthogonal to, perpendicular
8870&#8870;&or;\0022a60x22a6Logical OR, or vee
8901&#8901;&sdot;\0022c50x22c5Dot operator
8968&#8968; \0023080x2308Left ceiling, a.k.a. apl upstile
8969&#8969; \0023090x2309Right ceiling
8970&#8970; \00230a0x230aLeft floor, apl downstile
8971&#8971; \00230b0x230bRight floor
9642&#9642; \0025aa0x25aaBlack small square
9673&#9673; \0025c90x25c9Fisheye
9674&#9674; \0025ca0x25caLozenge
9675&#9675; \0025cb0x25cbWhite circle
9678&#9678; \0025ce0x25ceBullseye
9734&#9734; \0026060x2606White 5 point star


CodeSymbolHtml CodeHtml NameCSSHexDescription
188¼&#188;&frac14;\00bc0xbcFraction one quarter
189½&#189;&frac12;\00bd0xbdFraction one half
190¾&#190;&frac34;\00be0xbeFraction three quarters
8533&#8533; \0021550x2155Fraction one fifth
8534&#8534; \0021560x2156Fraction two fifths
8535&#8535; \0021570x2157Fraction three fifths
8536&#8536; \0021580x2158Fraction four fifths
8537&#8537; \0021590x2159Fraction one sixth
8538&#8538; \00215a0x215aFraction five sixths
8539&#8539; \00215b0x215bFraction one eighth
8540&#8540; \00215c0x215cFraction three eighths
8541&#8541; \00215d0x215dFraction five eighths
8542&#8542; \00215e0x215eFraction seven eighths


&#10171; \0027bb0x27bbHeavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow
10172&#10172; \0027bc0x27bcWedge-tailed rightwards arrow
10173&#10173; \0027bd0x27bdHeavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow
10174&#10174; \0027be0x27beOpen-outlined rightwards arrow
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